Distributor Triplek Jakarta Selatan √ 0811-9651-1363

Distributor Triplek Jakarta Selatan

Apakah Anda mencari distributor triplek berkualitas tinggi dengan berbagai pilihan untuk mendukung proyek konstruksi, furnitur, dan dekorasi interior? Tropika Perkasa hadir sebagai Distributor Triplek Jakarta Selatan dengan solusi terbaik yang menyediakan berbagai jenis triplek dan panel khusus untuk kebutuhan Anda. Kami menawarkan pilihan produk unggulan dengan ketahanan, kekuatan, dan keindahan estetika yang sesuai dengan standar proyek Anda.

Mengapa Memilih Tropika Perkasa?

Sebagai Distributor Triplek Jakarta Selatan terpercaya, Tropika Perkasa memberikan produk triplek dengan kualitas special grade yang dirancang untuk aplikasi khusus. Kami berkomitmen pada standar tinggi untuk menyediakan triplek dan panel yang tahan lama, mudah dikerjakan, dan memiliki estetika yang menawan.

Jenis Triplek Yang Kami Tawarkan

Distributor Triplek Jakarta Selatan menyediakan berbagai jenis produk triplek untuk mendukung kebutuhan proyek Anda. Berikut adalah produk-produk yang kami tawarkan:

  1. Panels – Furniture Grade Triplek furniture grade kami memiliki permukaan yang halus dan estetis, sehingga cocok untuk pembuatan furnitur kelas atas. Jenis ini dipilih karena stabilitasnya yang baik serta kemudahan untuk finishing, ideal untuk membuat kabinet, meja, rak, dan berbagai perabotan rumah lainnya yang membutuhkan kualitas tampilan premium.
  2. Panels – Commercial Grade Panel commercial grade menawarkan kualitas tinggi dengan harga ekonomis, cocok untuk aplikasi komersial seperti partisi kantor, interior gedung komersial, dan elemen dekorasi. Produk ini memberikan durabilitas yang handal dan tampilan yang rapi, menjadikannya pilihan yang efisien untuk proyek berskala besar.
  3. Bending Plywood – Special Grade Bending plywood dari Tropika Perkasa hadir dengan fleksibilitas tinggi, dirancang untuk aplikasi yang memerlukan bentuk melengkung atau unik. Material ini sering digunakan dalam desain furnitur dan dekorasi interior yang membutuhkan estetika lekukan. Ketahanan dan kemudahan bentuknya memberikan fleksibilitas kreatif bagi desainer dan pengrajin.
  4. Birch Plywood – Special Grade Birch plywood adalah pilihan tepat untuk tampilan yang elegan dan kekuatan optimal. Kayu birch memiliki tekstur halus dan serat yang rapat, menjadikannya material yang ideal untuk pembuatan kabinet, lantai, dan furnitur premium lainnya. Dengan kekuatan dan stabilitas yang tinggi, birch plywood memberikan hasil akhir yang indah.
  5. Marine Plywood – Special Grade Untuk aplikasi di lingkungan basah atau lembab, marine plywood kami menawarkan ketahanan maksimal terhadap air. Ideal untuk konstruksi kapal, kamar mandi, dapur, dan area luar ruangan, jenis triplek ini menggunakan lem tahan air dan kayu berkualitas tinggi, sehingga mampu bertahan di kondisi basah tanpa mengalami pelapukan.
  6. OSB – Special Grade OSB (Oriented Strand Board) adalah triplek komposit yang kuat dan serbaguna untuk proyek konstruksi seperti lantai, dinding, dan atap. Dengan harga lebih ekonomis namun tetap memiliki kekuatan struktural yang handal, OSB kami cocok untuk proyek konstruksi skala besar yang memerlukan material kokoh dengan kualitas tinggi.
  7. FJLB – Special Grade Finger Joint Laminated Board (FJLB) adalah papan yang terdiri dari potongan kayu yang disambung dengan teknik finger joint, memberikan kekuatan serta kestabilan yang baik. Produk ini sering dipilih untuk aplikasi pintu, jendela, dan elemen furnitur yang memerlukan material tahan lama namun tetap menarik secara estetika.
  8. Film Faced Plywood – Special Grade Triplek dengan lapisan film tahan air ini ideal untuk kebutuhan bekisting beton dan konstruksi luar ruangan. Film faced plywood kami dirancang untuk aplikasi yang memerlukan permukaan keras dan tahan gores, sehingga cocok untuk pekerjaan konstruksi berat atau penggunaan di luar ruangan yang memerlukan daya tahan ekstra.

Mengapa Distributor Triplek Jakarta Selatan?

  • Kualitas Premium: Setiap produk kami melewati kontrol kualitas yang ketat untuk memastikan ketahanan dan keindahan.
  • Berbagai Varian Lengkap: Tersedia banyak pilihan triplek sesuai kebutuhan, mulai dari konstruksi hingga dekorasi.
  • Harga Kompetitif: Distributor Triplek Jakarta Selatan menawarkan harga yang bersaing untuk memastikan Anda mendapatkan nilai terbaik.
  • Layanan Pengiriman Cepat: Kami memastikan pengiriman yang aman dan cepat ke lokasi proyek Anda.
  • Layanan Konsultasi: Tim profesional kami siap memberikan rekomendasi terbaik sesuai kebutuhan proyek Anda.

Apapun kebutuhan proyek Anda, Tropika Perkasa hadir sebagai Distributor Triplek Jakarta Selatan dengan produk lengkap yang sesuai untuk berbagai aplikasi. Hubungi kami sekarang dan dapatkan triplek berkualitas terbaik untuk proyek konstruksi, furnitur, atau interior Anda. Tropika Perkasa siap membantu memastikan proyek Anda berjalan dengan lancar dan memberikan hasil terbaik!

Kontak Distributor Triplek Jakarta Selatan

No WA:  0811-9651-1363

All Types of Plywood. Superior Quality

About Us


We are a leading plywood manufacturing and
trading company located in Bekasi, Indonesia.
With more than 30 years of experience, we are dedicated to bringing valuable wood
products to our customers.



We are a leading plywood manufacturing and trading company located in Bekasi, Indonesia. With more than 30 years of experience, we are dedicated to bringing valuable wood products to our customers.


Our Products

Panels – Furniture Grade

HAPPAN® is the name you can trust in
high-quality, versatile furniture
grade wooden
panels. A well-balanced
wooden panel requires
not only solid cores,
precisely calibrated and
smooth surfaces, but
also stability in terms of
production from
reliable and sustainable sources, and stock
availability. All HAPPAN® products go
through stringent quality control processes in
order to deliver maximum satisfaction to


Panels – Commercial Grade


IndoPan® is a brand that represents trusted
commercial grade panels for uses in fields of
construction, logistics, packaging, and many
others. Commercial grade panels may lack
visual qualities, but their bending and
structural performances are not compensated
for. IndoPan® provides a good selection of
panels for customers who are looking for
affordable, yet high-performing wooden


Bending Plywood – Special Grade


Gooloong® Bending Plywood is a
lightweight, bendable plywood that can curve
around tight, circular radius with ease. It has
many uses including chairs, columns, spiral
stairways, interior furnishings, and reception
desks. Gooloong® Bending Plywood
eliminates the need to bend plywood with
complex machines, thereby reducing costs
and saving time.


Birch Plywood – Special Grade

SKANPLY® Birch Plywood is one of the
plywood available in the market in
terms of
its natural aesthetics and
performance. Made from
native Scandinavian
Birch logs, SKANPLY
® Birch Plywood
displays beautiful birch grains, emits pleasing
birch aroma, and boasts exceptional
SKANPLY® Birch Plywood is ideal
for both
interior and exterior uses. It is also
safe for children’s toys and playroom.

Marine Plywood – Special Grade


Kapal Merah® Marine Plywood can be
described as the King of all Plywood. It is
made 100% from pristine, handpicked
Keruing logs of Kalimantan Island, giving it a
flawless and beautiful appearance while
exhibiting exceptionally high structural
performance. Due to its waterproof nature, it
also has a wide range of applications
including industrial shipbuilding, docks, to
outdoor luxury furniture.

OSB – Special Grade


Grenatur® OSB (Oriented Strand Board) is
made from natural logs of Scandinavia. It is
manufactured by adding adhesives and
applying immense pressure to wood strands
layered in specific orientations. Due to its
impressive mechanical properties that
outperform that of plywood, Grenatur® OSB
is widely used in load-bearing applications in
construction. It is also popular as interior
furnishings thanks to its unique natural
appearances and warm Scandinavian aroma.

FJLB – Special Grade

Kadoalam® FJLB (Finger Joint Laminated
Board) expresses the beauty of wood in the
purest way possible. Quality wooden
strips are arranged in a unique manner
that amplifies the aesthetic qualities of
the wood. Bare minimum fabrication is
done to the board so as to not interfere
with the beauty of nature’s gift.
Kadoalam® FJLB is made by using
only the highest quality wood from
selected sustainable sources.

Panels – Furniture Grade


HAPPAN® is the name you can trust in sourcing high-quality, versatile furniture grade wooden panels. A well-balanced wooden panel requires not only solid cores, precisely calibrated and smooth surfaces, but also stability in terms of production from reliable and sustainable sources, and stock availability. All HAPPAN® products go through stringent quality control processes in order to deliver maximum satisfaction to customers.


Panels – Commercial Grade


IndoPan® is a brand that represents trusted commercial grade panels for uses in fields of construction, logistics, packaging, and many others. Commercial grade panels may lack visual qualities, but their bending and structural performances are not compensated for. IndoPan® provides a good selection of panels for customers who are looking for affordable, yet high-performing wooden panels.


Bending Plywood – Special Grade


Gooloong® Bending Plywood is a lightweight, bendable plywood that can curve around tight, circular radius with ease. It has many uses including chairs, columns, spiral stairways, interior furnishings, and reception desks. Gooloong® Bending Plywood eliminates the need to bend plywood with complex machines, thereby reducing costs and saving time.


Birch Plywood – Special Grade


SKANPLY® Birch Plywood is one of the best plywood available in the market in terms of its natural aesthetics and structural performance. Made from native Scandinavian Birch logs, SKANPLY® Birch Plywood displays beautiful birch grains, emits pleasing birch aroma, and boasts exceptional durability. SKANPLY® Birch Plywood is ideal for both interior and exterior uses. It is also safe for children’s toys and playroom.


Marine Plywood – Special Grade


Kapal Merah® Marine Plywood can be described as the King of all Plywood. It is made 100% from pristine, handpicked Keruing logs of Kalimantan Island, giving it a flawless and beautiful appearance while exhibiting exceptionally high structural performance. Due to its waterproof nature, it also has a wide range of applications including industrial shipbuilding, docks, to outdoor luxury furniture.

OSB – Special Grade


Grenatur® OSB (Oriented Strand Board) is made from natural logs of Scandinavia. It is manufactured by adding adhesives and applying immense pressure to wood strands layered in specific orientations. Due to its impressive mechanical properties that outperform that of plywood, Grenatur® OSB is widely used in load-bearing applications in construction. It is also popular as interior furnishings thanks to its unique natural appearances and warm Scandinavian aroma.

FJLB – Special Grade


Kadoalam® FJLB (Finger Joint Laminated Board) expresses the beauty of wood in the purest way possible. Quality wooden strips are arranged in a unique manner that amplifies the aesthetic qualities of the wood. Bare minimum fabrication is done to the board so as to not interfere with the beauty of nature’s gift. Kadoalam® FJLB is made by using only the highest quality wood from selected sustainable sources.

Film Faced Plywood – Special Grade

TOYOPANEL® Film Faced Plywood, crafted from 100% Kalimantan Hardwood, offers unmatched strength and durability. Ideal for demanding construction and general industrial applications, it provides high-performance, waterproof, and chemical-resistant surfaces. Rely on TOYOPANEL® for superior quality and reliability.